You are here: R workshop >> Session 3 GBIF data >> occurrence data quality checks

Nordic Oikos 2018 - R workshop - Session 3

Scientific reuse of openly published biodiversity information: Programmatic access to and analysis of primary biodiversity information using R. Nordic Oikos 2018, pre-conference R workshop, 18 and 19 February 2018. Further information here.

Session 3 includes examples of accessing GBIF data from R using the rgbif package from rOpenSci.

This script (data_quality) provides a small set of examples for data quality checks you may want to perform.

Read in some example data

Using readxl from tidyverse.

library(tidyverse) ## tidyverse is without external dependencies such as Java or Pearl
library(readxl) ## readxl is part of tidyverse
#excel_sheets("./demo_data/spp_dq.xlsx") ## List sheets
#spp_dq <- read_excel("./demo_data/spp_dq.xlsx", sheet=1, range="A1:BQ101") ## example with range
spp_dq <- read_excel("./demo_data/spp_dq.xlsx", sheet=1) ## manipulated occurrence data, introduced errors
head(spp_dq, n=5)
Dummy occurrences for data quality tests, from Excel file

Dummy occurrences for data quality tests, from Excel file

Extract a subset of data-columns

spp_dq_m <- spp_dq[c("name", "decimalLongitude","decimalLatitude", "basisOfRecord", "year", "month", "day", "eventDate", "country", "countryCode", "stateProvince", "county", "municipality", "taxonKey", "species", "scientificName", "catalogNumber", "occurrenceID")] ## Subset columns
xy_dq <- spp_dq[c("decimalLongitude","decimalLatitude")] ## Extract only the coordinates
#head(spp_dq_m, n=5)

Make SpatialPointsDataFrame from the example data

options(digits=8) ## set 8 digits (ie. all digits, not decimals) for the type cast as.double to keep decimals
spp_dq_m$lon <- as.double(spp_dq_m$decimalLongitude) ## cast lon from char to double
spp_dq_m$lat <- as.double(spp_dq_m$decimalLatitude) ## cast lat from char to double
#sprintf(spp_dq_m$lat, fmt='%#.6f') ## check: yes, the decimal numbers do have 6 floating point digits
coordinates(spp_dq_m) <- ~lon + lat ## make spp_dq_m into SpatialPointsDataFrame
proj4string(spp_dq_m) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0") ## set CRS
## If needed, you can use spTransform() to reproject the data to another coordinate reference system (CRS).
## spTransform(spp_dq_m) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0") ## modify CRS
## We will need the SpatialPointsDataFrame for the sp:over function below

Explore the occurrence data

#table(toupper(spp_dq$county)) ## Hint: use toupper() or tolower() if you find issues with CasE
Dummy occurrences for data quality tests, per county

Dummy occurrences for data quality tests, per county

Vector data with country polygons (maptools:wrld_simpl)

For more detailed borders use a source such as GADM! Here we use wrld_simpl for faster calculations and demonstration purposes.

data(wrld_simpl) ## vector/factor of ISO2, ISO2, NAME, REGION, SUBREGION, LON, LAT, ...
#norway_mask <- subset(wrld_simpl, NAME=="Norway")
plot(wrld_simpl, xlim=c(4, 31), ylim=c(54,64), axes=TRUE) ## xlim=c(minLon,maxLon) ylim=c(minLat,maxLat)
title("Dummy occurrences plotted on wrld_simpl")
points(xy_dq, col='red', pch=20, cex=1) # plot species occurrence points to the map
legend("bottomright", title = "Legend", legend = "Occurrences", pch = 20, col="red", cex = 0.9)
Dummy occurrences for data quality tests

Dummy occurrences for data quality tests

Note: For using spatial overlay (raster:over()) the object need to be spatialdataframes with the same CRS.

 crs(wrld_simpl) # result = +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0
 crs(spp_dq_m)   # result = +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0

Hint: You can use sp:spTransform() to modify the CRS, eg:

 spTransform(spp_dq_m) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0")

Overlay dummy occurrence data with spatial vector data (country borders)

spp_dq_over <- over(spp_dq_m, wrld_simpl) ## overlay spp over country polygons
spp_dq_over <- spp_dq_over %>% select(-ISO3, -FIPS, -UN, -LON, -LAT, -AREA, -POP2005, -REGION, -SUBREGION)
spp_dq_over$country <- spp_dq_m$country
spp_dq_over$couMatch <- eval(spp_dq_over$NAME == spp_dq_over$country)
for (i in 1:length(spp_dq_over$country)) {
  spp_dq_over$couMatched[i] <- if ($couMatch[i])) NA else spp_dq_over$country[i]
spp_dq_over$longitude <- spp_dq_m$decimalLongitude
spp_dq_over$latitude <- spp_dq_m$decimalLatitude
spp_dq_over$catalogNumber <- spp_dq_m$catalogNumber
spp_dq_over$species <- spp_dq_m$species
head(spp_dq_over, n=30) ## preview overlay over wrld_simpl, NA = outside land
table(spp_dq_over$couMatched, useNA = "ifany")
## Example testing if occurrence coordinates are inside Norway:
#norway_mask <- subset(wrld_simpl, NAME=="Norway")
#spp_dq_over_norway <- over(spp_dq_m, norway_mask) ## overlay spp over country polygons
#head(spp_dq_over_norway) ## preview overlay over wrld_simpl, NA = outside Norway
## Example testing if occurrence coordinates are inside Sweden:
#spp_dq_over_sweden <- over(spp_dq_m, subset(wrld_simpl, NAME=="Sweden")) ## overlay
#head(spp_dq_over_sweden) ## preview overlay over wrld_simpl, NA = outside Norway
Data quality test for point inside reported country

Data quality test for point inside reported country

table(spp_dq_over$couMatched, useNA = "ifany")

Norway Sweden   <NA> 
    23     48     29

Plot with different color for occurrences not matching country (-polygon)

spp_dq_over: ISO2, NAME, country, couMatch, couMatched, longitude, latitude, catalogNumber
i1 <- which($NAME)) ## int [1:29] 1 5 8 9 ... (these did NOT match the overlay, ie. WITH issue)
i2 <- which(toupper(spp_dq_over$NAME) == toupper(spp_dq_over$country)) ## int [1:71] 2 3 4 6 7 10 ... (occ without overlay issue)
plot(wrld_simpl, xlim=c(4, 31), ylim=c(54,64), axes=TRUE, border="#555555") ## xlim=c(minLon,maxLon) ylim=c(minLat,maxLat)
title("Dummy test occurrences for data quality control demo")
points(xy_dq, col='blue', pch=20, cex=0.9) # plot species occurrence (all occurrences)
points(xy_dq[i,], col='red', pch='x', cex=1) ## plot occurrences WITH issue on top (this line is after points for all)
legend("bottomright", title=NULL, legend=c(paste("with issue: ", length(i1), " occurrences"), paste("without issue: ", length(i2), " occurrences")), col=c("red", "blue"), pch=c('x'), cex=0.9, box.col="#777777")
Dummy occurrences with data quality test result

Dummy occurrences with data quality test result

Leaflet map (with zoom) for occurrences WITH overlay issue

library('mapr') # rOpenSci r-package for mapping (occurrence data)
library('spocc') # rOpenSci r-package with more biodiversity data sources than GBIF
### TODO spp_dq_issue
#map_leaflet(spp_dq_over[i1,], "longitude", "latitude", size=5)
spp_dq_over_m <- select(spp_dq_over[i1,], name = species, country, longitude, latitude, catalogNumber)
spp_dq_over_m$longitude <- as.numeric(spp_dq_over_m$longitude) ## cast lon to integer (double)
spp_dq_over_m$latitude <- as.numeric(spp_dq_over_m$latitude) ## cast lat to integer (double)
spp_dq_over_m$issue <- "country overlay" ## adding description of issue (for the map pop-up)
myCol <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11,"Spectral"))(length(unique(spp_dq_over_m$name))) ## create colorRamp
map_leaflet(spp_dq_over_m, "longitude", "latitude", size=5, color=myCol)
Dummy occurrences with data quality issues

Dummy occurrences with data quality issues

Dummy occurrences with data quality issues, in a leaflet map

Dummy occurrences with data quality issues, in a leaflet map

For this dummy test set I initially selected Poaceae occurrences from Scandinavia…